Prof. Matteo Russo

Expertise : Continuum robots, Mechanism design, Robot kinematics, Parallel manipulators
Website :
Member Organization : Italy
Affiliation : University of Rome Tor Vergata

I design robots for challenging applications in constrained environments, from the inspection and repair of aircraft turbines and nuclear plants to robotic surgery. These applications require high performance with extreme space constraints, which can be achieved with the development of miniaturized and reconfigurable continuum robots and parallel manipulators.

My continuum robots for aircraft maintenance have been developed and patented in collaboration with Rolls-Royce (Nottingham, UK, see the video below for an example of the designs I work with), while I collaborate closely with the Tor Vergata University Hospital in Rome, Italy, for the medical applications.

These robots are characterized by a flexible backbone that can be bent in complex shapes by pulling and releasing pairs of antagonistic tendons, replicating the behavior of a human spine with vertebrae actuated by antagonistic muscles. This architecture enables endoscopic intervention thanks to the resulting slender form factors, with a length-to-diameter ration up to 600:1. At the same time, it allows for accurate intervention, given the high number of active degrees of freedom (up to 25 in our current designs) that can be used for both navigation and manipulation.

I also work on the development of soft and tendon-driven exoskeletons for motion assistance, creating lightweight wearable devices for finger, hand, and arm rehabilitation. In my designs, I forgo conventional rigid-frame mechanisms and aim instead to obtain a natural, smooth motion and user experience with compliant, soft, and textile materials.

For more information on my research interests and work please visit: